Yes it's true, I am not a good blogger. I really didn't think to many people checked on the blog until I had may people texting and asking for a follow up from my last post. I went back and read it, since it's been a while, and I did leave things undone. So sorry for that. All the results that we had done while we were back at the Huntsman came back good and clean. That included: CT of his head and neck with and without contrast, blood tests, blood cultures to look for infections, echo cardiogram with a bubble test to see if he had a hole in his heart, a short EEG, and a LONG 24 hour EEG. I mean that was a long 24 hours. They were looking to see if he was having any type of seizure activity. Again, everything came back good. So, what do we do from here? He had a team of neurologists visit him, a team of oncologists and many other NP's and PA's. He was seen by many people while we were there. That was very comforting for me. To be honest, this was kind of freaking me out. He had never been like this before through it all and now all the sudden things just went crazy! We have more scans on Tuesday so maybe more answers??? In my mind, it was like running a race. When we started, we knew where the finish line was. By the end we were exhausted and tired but we knew the end was close so we gave it our all to make it to the finish line. The only thing is, as we crossed the finish line something happened and our race wasn't over quiet yet. We were asked to keep on running not know where our new finish line waited. Here we are still running. Steve seems to improve with each day. He doesn't have much energy and he still forgets things he's trying to say. He will still repeat me after I say something to him but that is getting better. For awhile there I thought I had a new parrot. I think he realizes that things are still just not right, but he doesn't know how to fix them. It seems to be frustrating to him. When we were in the hospital for our first ER trip, my brother in law came to give Steve a blessing. In that blessing he said that everything will be alright. I am counting on that! That is what I keep reminding myself when the stress of all this comes crashing down on me. I am so grateful for the priesthood. Every blessing that Steve has received through all of this seems to be for me as much as for him. To me, that shows me that I have a loving Heavenly Father that is aware of even my small heartache through it all. How grateful I am for that. I don't know how I could do it with out HIM!

We went to the demolition derby last night.
Couldn't help but relate to how this car looks.
That's about how I feel these days...
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