Monday, January 11, 2016

Modern Day Miracles

I just had a marathon day with doctors today with McKay.  We saw 3 different specialist.  Two at the Moran Eye Center and one at Primary Children's Hospital.  Since my last post McKay has had two additional surgeries.  Three in total so far.  The second surgery he had was to repair his detached retina and try and close up the hole that was still open in the back of his eye.  This surgery was very serious and very risky since his eye was still very unstable at that time.  The Dr. told me that he had a 50/50 chance of losing his eye during this surgery.  She was not convinced that she would be able to perform this surgery successfully.  In the back of my mind, I knew she would because of the priesthood blessing he had received and the many people that were praying and fasting for him.  In fact, our ward held a special fast for McKay the Sunday before this surgery.  Talk about feeling the power of heaven in our home.  That was experience like nothing else.  The power of prayer is real and when done by many faithful sincere people, it is amazing!  After the surgeon was done performing that surgery she came out to talk to me.  She was pleasantly surprised.  She told me that the surgery had gone better than she had expected.  With a smile in  my heart, I knew it was because of all the prayers that had been offered up in his behalf.  Then next few weeks went by and his eye seemed to not be healing properly.  Part of the surgery to fix the detached retina was to put a type of oil in his eye to act as a splint and hold the retina in place as it healed.  He was forming a large bump on the front of his eye that was getting bigger and bigger.  The doctors were keeping a close eye on him, so when they noticed that things were not getting better but getting a little worse, they decided they needed to go back in for a 3rd surgery to fix the problem.  His hole in the back of his eye hadn't closed up completely, so the oil had leaked out and was causing a bulge in the front of his eye.  It had gotten so big that that bulge was now starting to cause a hole in the front of his eye.  Again they went in to do the 3rd surgery.  It went well but it looked awful!  It was right around Halloween so we just told McKay that he had a great Halloween eye.  He loves Halloween and anything scary so he thought it was pretty cool!  We made many many trips down to Salt Lake for follow ups and each time the different doctors were amazed at the progress he was making.  This brings us back to our marathon day today.  When our 1st doctor took a look at McKay, she noticed that he was seeing 20/25 out of his  bad eye.  That couldn't be!  So they rechecked.  Same results!  I can't even begin to tell you have excited and overcome with joy I felt at that moment.  There were times that McKay would look around the room like a little blind kid trying to find the screen he was suppose to be looking at.  It was very hard to see that.  But to go from my little blind buddy looking aimlessly around not being able to see anything to this little guy seeing 20/25!!! So, off to the 2nd doctor for the day.  This was the plastic surgeon that will, if we decide later, take out the piece of shrapnel that is still lodged in the muscle behind his eye.  The piece that is still in there is 1/8 of an inch away from his optic nerve.  Going in to retrieve it could run the risk of damaging that optic nerve.  That would blind him in both eyes.  It's just in a real tricky spot.  The other side of the the coin is that leaving it in there runs certain risks as well.  He is still just  a little kid.  He will grow and it is a possibility that that piece of metal could shift and hit the optic nerve.  The other risk in leaving it in is if he were ever to need a MRI.  Having metal in his eye could really cause problems if someone did an MRI on him with out knowing his full medical history.  When we met with this doctor, he looked over the notes from our previous visit with the other doctor just and hour before.  He read in her notes that McKay was seeing 20/25 out of that bad eye.  He left the room and I over heard him out in the hall telling his staff that this was "impossible" that this little kid could see 20/25,  He wanted them to come in and recheck his vision.  He could not believe that this could be true.  So they rechecked.  20/25 from this second test.  Amazing!!! Still a flood of happy emotions came over me!  Sitting there I knew we had been given a great gift.  Pure mercy from our Heavenly Father.  A miracle had been granted to us!  I'm not exactly sure why, we are no more deserving than the next person, but he gave it to us and we will forever be thankful for it!  The next doctor yielded the same results.  20/25 and another doctor in awe at the outcome of this horrible accident.  The only difference with this last doctor is when I mentioned that this was a complete miracle. He turned to me and said, "no, it's not a miracle.  This is a direct result of great medical care."  I did have to agree that McKay had received probably the best medical care there is today, but nothing but the hand of God could have saved this little guys eye.  My response to him was respectfully, "I disagree".  I said, " You can believe what you want to believe, but I know what I know and that is this is  a true miracle from God!"  He just looked at me like I was crazy.  That didn't bother me any because I was so happy nothing could have brought me down from my high that day.  I have thought and thought about it!  Why did Heavenly Father grant US this miracle?  People suffer the natural consequences of accidents all the time.  You get in a car accident and get severely hurt or what ever the accident is there can be life time effects of that accident.  This was one of those life changing accidents that could have changed his life.  For some reason, the good Lord found it in his heart to give us this great gift.  I am so thankful for the many many prayers and fasting that we up for McKay and our family.  I am grateful for miracles.  They are real and come from a loving and merciful Heavenly Father.  How blessed we are!


  1. Thanks for the update Laura. I love this post. What an undeniable miracle! Stick to your guns girl;).

  2. This is such happy news, Laura! I am so happy for all of you, especially McKay!
