Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Day 1

Wow!!! What a day!  First thing this morning the nurse came in to tell us that she had orders to get him started today.  That meant that we must have had good news with the bone marrow biopsy.  We just didn't know the details yet but knew we were getting started today, YEA!!! The sooner we get started, the sooner we get to go home.  She just started hooking him back up to all his wires and machines.  The doctor came in and said that it will be about a week before we have the final report from the biopsy but we know there is no other cancer and that was enough information for them to get going.  They did find that Steve has a disease called ITP.  It's an auto immune disease where his body kills off his own platelets.  He's probably had this for a long time but we just found it because they were digging. It's not serious but it will be a bit of a stumbling block going through this treatment.  With bio chemo, it really lowers your platelets so they will have to watch him closely and the doctor said he may have additional hospitalizations during this to do transfusions and things to help his platelet levels.  We were just so grateful there wasn't any other cancer found in his bones.  They got started around 11:30 and about exactly 4 hours later Steve was hit with a vengeance. Everything they warned us that might happened did happen.  We have had wonderful nurses that are so smart and caring.  We feel so cared for and are so grateful to be where we are.  They have the best of the best working here.  They were very good and quick to treat all his symptoms that came on so quickly.  Even though they gave us heads with what to expect, it still wasn't easy watching him suffer.  Steve is a rock star.  He is one tough guy!  He is very humbled and is always telling the nurses and everyone thank you for all they are doing to help him.  This experience will be something that changes a person for ever.  It is something we will look back on and be grateful for the growth.  Going through something like this brings out the good in so many people.  We have seen the best sides of so many people.  Both Steve and I are extremely grateful for the support we feel.  We have been blessed with such a great family, friends, neighbors, and staff that have all stepped up and taken many of the burdens off our shoulders. It's hard to express in words how grateful we are.  We both just hope that some day we can pay it forward and do the same to lift another in their time of need.  Steve is resting quietly now tonight.  One day down, 4 to go.    

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