Thursday, June 4, 2015

Round 2 Day 4

One more day and we get to go home, YEA!  It was a tough day today.  Each round, each day gets a little harder on his body and his spirits.  Today his doctor came in and talked a little about the annual conference that he just back from.  Doctors from all around the world come to this particular conference.   He said that melanoma stole the show.  When he talks about the new and up coming treatments of melanoma, it's always about stage 4.  I really don't like talking about stage 4.  I am hopeful that we wont have to deal with that, but being only a breath away I do like to know what tricks to store in our back pocket.  When talking about stage 4 he always refers to it as rescue strategies.   For some reason, I hate hearing it referred to it like that.  To me, rescue sounds like someone drowning that needs to be rescued.  I would prefer to just stay out of the water all together so we won't need to be rescued at all.   Could we talk about that? How do we stay out of the water?No one seems to have answers on how to do that?  The only thing I can think of, is doing all we can to eat better really focus on good nutrition at home.  If this isn't motivation to make some changes, I don't know what is?  I did buy a juicer and have been reading and studying more about the benefits of juicing.  That is one thing I will start making a part of our daily meals.  I'm sure it will take some time to make all the changes I'd like to make but I will start with small things and introduce more as we go along.  Oh boy, are my kids going to love me.  We love our dad so hopefully they will just roll with it???  I feel like we have got to do all we can to stay out of the water.  In the end, I know that God has a plan and it is a perfect plan.  I just have to do all I can to do my part so I will never have any regrets or I won't ever look back and say, "I wish I would have tried....."

This is where we go when we make it outside..It's beautiful.

  I even do laundry here.  Never get away from that.

1 comment:

  1. Laura, thinking of and praying for you and Steve and your cute family. Hang in there!
