Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Round 3 Day 2

Time marches on.  Another day closer to being done with this part of our experience.  When we first started down this road, I wanted to do this blog for a few different reasons.  One of which was to keep track of the many blessings we see.  I started a list in the back of my journal that I named, "Little big acts of kindness."  There have already been so many it has taken up pages in my journal.  I wanted to just name one tonight.  If anyone knows Steve, you know he loves to look out a clean window.  That is one things he does himself every year at home.  Actually, I help.  He goes on the outside and I follow him through out the house on the inside and we clean all the windows.  That way we know who has missed spots so those windows are sparkling when we are done.  Our first round of treatments here at the Huntsman was right after some pretty dirty rain storms.  I thought it was kind of funny because the entire week we were here, Steve asked every person who came in the room if he could get his window cleaned.  It drove him crazy to look out a dirty window.  He didn't care if it was the doctor, nurse, aid or custodian that came to his room, he asked them to go clean his window.  This past week when we were home I was out side doing some work and a guy came walking up to me and said, "You are going to get your windows cleaned today."  I was just about to explain to him that he had the wrong house, that I hadn't been home to set that up when he explained that some one had already paid for all our windows to be cleaned.  As tears filled my eyes, I couldn't help but thank my Heavenly Father for the "Little Big acts of kindness" that continue to bless our lives.  I'm sure that who ever arrange for our windows to be cleaned had no idea what a big deal that was for Steve.  I loved it too, but when I opened the windows and showed Steve how clear his view was from his own bed, he was so happy!

Today was another crazy day.  Most the day today was spent trying to break a fever.  After giving him the max amounts of meds. they turned on a cooling blanket and packed his body in ice packs.  They put them behind his neck and under his arms.  Eventually it worked and his temperature came down.  The other challenge we had today was trying to stabilize his blood pressure.  With the IL-2 they are giving him, his fluid leaks into his tissues and that causes his pressure to drop.  If it's not one thing it's another.  We are just very grateful to have such capable people that are taking care of Steve. They are very well trained and so compassionate.  Hoping for a quiet night,  So far, all I hear are alarms going off non stop not so quiet.

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