Friday, June 26, 2015

Round 3 Day 5

We are home!  Seriously, there is no better feeling than this.  When the doctor came in today Steve was sitting in a chair and I looked at him and saw a big lump behind his ear.  OH MAN!  I asked the doctor to look at it when he was right there and sure enough, he thought that we needed to get a biopsy of it before we left today.  Steve was kind of mad at me for mentioning it.  That meant we may not get out of there as soon as we could have. We couldn't get out of there soon enough as it was.  It didn't take to long for the people from pathology to come and start poking on him.  They are pretty sure that it is just a lymph node that is big but we won't know for sure until Monday. Until then, we are going to enjoy our weekend.  Hopefully we can control the nausea better this week.  Steve is planning to go back to work next week so we will see if that happens.  We have one more count down going on and that is for his interferon shots.  3 more then we will really be done.  We were talking on the way home today about how we made the better choice of 3 months verses 1 year of interferon shots.  I don't think he would have lasted a whole year with these shots.  They are brutal.  Now it's time to take our life back!!!

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